Gift Group History
In 2008, Emanuel Lutheran Church changed its focus. Instead of being “Pastor-Driven”, we began the process to be a “Gift-Driven” congregation. This was done to emphasize that the church work and missions can be maintained and strengthened by many and not just a few. During our congregational retreat held at Dayton Oaks in January, 2008 with Bishop Last, several tasks and actions were created. One of these was to create Gift Groups. A task force team was formed.
Out of this task force, 9 Gift Groups were formed:
•Christian Education
•Church Appearance
•Food and Fellowship
•Good News
•Lay Ministry
•Kingdom Builders
•Worship and Music
•Youth and Family Ministry
•Cornerstone Group, that includes all members of Emanuel, supporting in worship and prayer
In 2008, we saw Gift groups working as a team to accomplish many things in the church. Highlights include re-carpeting and painting the sanctuary, making a folder that lists hymns and liturgy chosen for each Sunday, raising money for Ileumbula Hospital, hiring a YMT from Riverside, and more.
In 2009, the Gift Groups continued its work at Emanuel. One more gift group was formed. Tenants of the Talents, focusing on organizing and maintaining the gift groups in the future and also has a stewardship emphasis.
Today our congregation still uses the Gift Group format, and we feel it has shaped our church for the better, by encouraging members to prayerfully consider the individual gifts God has blessed each one of us with and enabling us to share them with each other.